Tag Archives: Anglicanism

Monsignor Steenson’s Installation Homily: The Chair of St. Peter and Christian Unity

The grandiose Cathedral is nearly full, a faint smell of incense is in the air and in almost complete silence a handful of Catholic Bishops make their way down the aisle followed by two Cardinals of the Catholic Church.  As the music begins, droves of acolytes, seminarians, deacons and priests flood the aisle in procession, followed by Fr. Steenson, soon to be officially installed as Monsignor Steenson, Ordinary to the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.

It was truly an amazing experience to be present for the installation of the Ordinary at the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Houston Texas.  The liturgy was phenomenal, the Cathedral was breathtaking and Fr. Steenson’s homily was truly astounding.  Below is a video of the homily.  Enjoy!